Rule 77 – Cancellation of burdens on transfer over-reaching the estate or interest of registered owner

 (1) On the registration of an owner under Section 60 of the Act, other than as provided by Rule 70, the following registered burdens and notices shall be cancelled in the register- 

(a) where the transfer is made by statute or in exercise of a statutory power, the burdens and notices from which the property would be discharged by the statute or the exercise of the statutory power, if the property were unregistered; 

(b) where the transfer is made in exercise of a power registered as a burden, the burdens and notices that rank in priority after the power; 

(c) where the transfer is made by a vesting order of a court or by a person appointed by a court to transfer, the burdens and notices that the court directs to be discharged on the registration of the transferee. 

(2) The applicant for registration shall, when required, state in writing the burdens and notices in the register for the cancellation of which he/she applies.