Valuation Certificate FAQs
What will my rates liability be?
What do I do if I have received a valuation certificate for a property I no longer occupy?
The property description/use/address etc. is incorrect, how do I change it?
If any of the details on the Valuation Certificate are incorrect, you need to appeal to the independent Valuation Tribunal.
If your postal address is not 100% correct you need to contact your Local Authority as they provide us with this information.
Why is there a Revaluation taking place?
Having a modern valuation base is very important for the levying of commercial rates on a fair and equitable basis across all property sectors. The Valuation Acts provide for the revaluation of all rateable property within a rating authority area to reflect changes in value due to economic factors such as differential movements in property values or other external factors and changes in the local business environment.
A revaluation will bring more equity, uniformity, fairness, and transparency into the local authority rating system resulting in a more equitable distribution of commercial rates among ratepayers.
Our property should be exempt from rates, what should we do?
What is the valuation based on?
A valuation for commercial rates purposes is arrived at by estimating the Net Annual Value of the property in question, at a specified valuation date. For Reval 2023 this is 1st February 2022. The term “net annual value” has a legal definition and is set out in section 48 of the Valuation Act 2001 as “the rent for which, one year with another, the property might, in its actual state, be reasonably expected to let from year to year, on the assumption that the probable average annual cost of repairs, insurance and other expenses (if any) that would be necessary to maintain the property in that state, and all rates and other taxes payable in respect of the property, are borne by the tenant”. This definition of Net Annual Value is applied to all rateable properties and classes of business on a nationwide basis.
Estimating the Net Annual Value of a rateable property is an evidence-based exercise. During a revaluation, the Valuation Office analyses relevant market rental transactions for all rateable properties in accordance with the legislation, best practice internationally as set out in published Practice Guidance Notes, well-established valuation principles and case law arising from the independent Valuation Tribunal and the Higher Courts. The conclusions drawn from that analysis is applied to similarly circumstanced property using the “comparative” method of valuation which, as the name implies, employs direct comparison with other similar properties.