About Tailte Éireann
About us
Tailte Éireann is an independent Government agency under the aegis of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
Providing a property registration system, property valuation service, and national mapping and surveying infrastructure for the State.
The legislation that established Tailte Éireann can be found at Tailte Éireann Act 2022.
What we do
The core business of our organisation is to provide a system of registration of ownership to land in Ireland, to deliver to our stakeholders accurate, up-to-date valuations of commercial and industrial properties and to create and maintain the definitive mapping records and physical infrastructure of the State.
In addition, Tailte Éireann is the custodian of an extensive archive of unique records which provide an invaluable resource for genealogical and historical research.
Board of Tailte Éireann
The Board of Tailte Éireann consists of a chairperson and six ordinary members, each appointed by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
The functions of the Board are strategic; they advise the chief executive concerning the performance by Tailte Éireann of its functions and oversee the implementation by the chief executive of the strategy statement. The Board advises or makes recommendations to the Minister concerning policies of the Government or a Minister of the Government affecting the functions of Tailte Éireann.
Chief Executive
Tailte Éireann is headed up by a chief executive appointed by the Minister of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The chief executive's role is to manage the resources, administration, and business of Tailte Éireann and to provide the Board and the Minister with the information they require. The chief executive is required to issue a strategy statement every three years and to prepare and deliver an annual report to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
The chief executive is accountable to the Oireachtas and shall, at the request in writing of a Committee, attend before it to give account for the general administration of Tailte Éireann.
Liam O’Sullivan is the current Chief Executive Officer of Tailte Éireann.