Role of GI in Business & Industry

The Role of Geographic Information (GI) in Business and Industry in Ireland

Role of GI in industry


Advances in technology have now made it possible to view, analyse and manage geographic data in a digital environment. Geographic Information (GI) forms part of a business solution which provides location based intelligence, achieved by interrogating and cross referencing data from a variety of sources in a geographic context. This allows our customers to tackle strategic business issues in a new and more efficient way.

Core data layers

The benefits of Geographic Information Solutions

  • Savings in cost and time spent on a project
  • Increased efficiency, accuracy and productivity, revenue generation
  • Fraud detection and the management of risk
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration between organisations
  • Increased efficiency in the allocation of resources
  • Better decision and policy support

Our Business Solutions

Tailte Éireann - Surveying aims to provide innovative solutions in geographic technologies. We supply highly accurate digital mapping data with national coverage, aerial orthography and height information. This data forms the backbone of geographic analysis, and can be examined alongside other information sources such as census information, crime and health statistics to give a locational context. Not only that, our years of expertise in collecting, managing and manipulating geographic data makes us the leaders in understanding geographic technologies and providing solutions using location based intelligence.