Rule 9 – Indexes

 (1) There shall be maintained in the Registry an index of names and an index of lands. 

(2) The index of names shall contain the name and address of every registered owner of freehold land, a leasehold interest or a right in the register maintained under Section 8(b) of the Act and a reference to the folio of the register in which his/her ownership is entered. 

(3) The index of lands shall contain the identification references or seedpoints on the registry map to every parcel of land of which the ownership is registered in the register of owners of freehold land, or on or out of which the ownership of a leasehold interest or an incorporeal hereditament is registered in the register of leasehold interests or in the register maintained under Section 8(b) of the Act, and a reference to the folio of the register in which the ownership is entered.