Common Errors - repayment of fees and re-lodged applications
Practitioners should note that where an application has been previously rejected, and the lodging party wishes to use the money lodged for that previous application in connection with a re-lodgement of the same application, then the lodging party must do the following:
- When re-lodging a rejected application, re-lodge the original Form 17, if the fees were validated on that Form.
- Important: All lodging parties must ensure that they use the re-lodgement facility on, if they are re-lodging an application that has been rejected as the fees paid for this rejected application will then be associated with the re-lodged application.
- Before lodging a re-lodged application, all lodging parties must ensure that they have printed the new Form 17 with the new application number that they obtained in, as this way the new application number will be associated with the previously rejected application number and the fees paid will also be linked with both the rejected application and the newly re-lodged application.
The screenshots below demonstrate how the re-lodgement facility should be used on
When the registered user selects Form 17 from the main menu, they are asked whether the application is a re-lodgement of a rejected application. The user must select Yes or No before they can proceed.
Once Yes is selected, the next screen requests the user to enter the application number of the rejected application.
Once this number is submitted, the user will be then brought into the Form 17 process with all information from the rejected application, including fees, carried into the new application. Details of the application can be amended at this stage if required or the user can proceed with an identical application.
Please remember: Once an application number is created, all payments can be managed through your account.