Contact us

Contact information for Tailte Éireann - Surveying.

The easiest way to contact Tailte Éireann - Surveying, is through our query submission page


Online ordering is fast and convenient whether you're looking for a land & property map, a tourist & leisure paper map or professional mapping.


Customer Service Queries: 

Map Sales Queries: 


Customer Service: 01 860 6778

Map Sales: 01 802 5379

Switch: 01 802 5300

Our business hours – Monday to Friday 9am to 4:45pm

In Person

The Surveying Public Office in the Phoenix Park is currently closed due to ongoing building works.

Our Agents

Our network of authorised agents can also assist you with most products via the following contact information:

The Map Store

Chapel Street, Castlebar, Mayo. F23 YK24

Contact: +353-94-9023569 | 

Snap Printing

Snap Tallaght

First Floor, Hays House,

Hight Street, Tallaght,

Dublin 24

Contact: 01 459 0445


The Map Centre 

Burchall House, Parnell Street, Waterford. X91 V24Y

Contact  +353-51-858636 |